Ángel Torres Campacho

Foto familiar

Don Ángel está muy orgulloso de su fami- lia. Lleva cuarenta y siete años casado con doña Conchita. Al principio se resistió pero se dio cuenta que “la chaparrita” lo quería de verdad. Ella fue diagnosticada con Alzheimer en 2001. Antes de llegar a Minnesota vivieron veinticinco años en Nueva York. Trabajaron y lucharon sin descanso. Se han apoyado siempre en la familia y en la iglesia. Don Ángel cuida de su esposa las veinticuatro horas. Dice que hay que tener amor y paciencia pero sobre todo hay que rezarle a Dios cada día.


Don Ángel is very proud of his family. He has been married to doña Conchita forty-seven years. At first he resisted, but later he realized that “the little girl” really loved him. His wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2001. Before arriving in Minnesota, they spent twenty-five years in New York. They worked really hard. They have always relied on family and the church. Don Angel takes care of his wife twenty-four hours a day. “You need to have love and patience but above all you need to pray to God, every day.”

Pueblo natal: Morelos

País: México

Posted in Familia, México.